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  • Writer's pictureDavid Ezrakhovich

Fudge Brownies

* Based on the tasty recipe, i just changed the ingredients so it would be tastier, but don't tell them


  • 150g of melted butter

  • 1 cup of white sugar

  • 200g of dark chocolate - 60% would do the trick

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 Teaspoons of vanilla extract

  • ¾ Cup of all-purpose flour

  • ¼ Cup of cocoa powder

  • 1 Teaspoon of salt



  1. Preheat the over to 180°c (or 350°f)

  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the melted butter and the sugar.

  3. Add the vanilla extract and the eggs (one by one) to the bowl with the melted butter and sugar mixture and whisk until combined

  4. Chop and divid the chocolate to 2 bowls. We will melt 100g of chocolate in the microwave, 2 pulses of 20sec and stirring in between, until the chocolate is fully melted. Those 100g of melted chocolate, we will add to the batter and whisk until homogeneous.

  5. Sift the flour, salt and cocoa powder and fold gently until combined

  6. Add the remaining chopped chocolate (100g) and fold

  7. Move the mixture to the baking dish (rectangle would be perfect here) with a baking paper.

  8. Bake for 20-30min until ready, you can tell if it's ready using a wooden toothpick, just insert it near the center of the cake. If the toothpick comes out clean, the cake is done.

  9. Wait until cooled and enjoy!

* by the way its much tastier after resting in the fridge for an hour

Bon Appetit!

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